HARD... RAW... DEEP... FUNK: Varios Artistas - Cuban Funk Experience!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Varios Artistas - Cuban Funk Experience!


01-Abacua - Manteca
02-En Casa Del Trompo No Bailes (Si Para Usted) - Orquestra Riverside
03-Un Lamento Hecho Cancion - Los Reyes 73
04-Yo Si Que Estoy A La Moda - Orquestra Monumental
05-E Eso Nada Monado - Ray & His Court
06-Las Jardineras - Pello El Afrokan
07-Takatakata - Irakere
08-Pero A Mi Manera - Los Van Van
09-Nana - Coke
10-Los Feligreses - Luis Santi
11-Quindiamo - Irakere
12-Rompe Cocorioco - Grupo Algo Nuevo
13-Borriquito - Peter Fernandez
14-Llegue Llegue - Los Van Van
15-Hasta Maсana - Orquestra Monumental
16-Cosas Que Se Me Occuren - Los 4 U 5
17-La Inflacion De Ofelia - Oscar Pena
18-Algo Sabroso - Nelson Padron
19-La Contrapartida - Hilarion Duran
20-Con Mucha Manteca - Grupo Raices Nuevas

Rompe Cocorioco - Grupo Algo Nuevo


  1. Good morning folks and I'm sure some of you are watching hurricane Irene's movements especially if you live on the east coast. ............. I have a post called "Lancaster on 2 wheels" today on Amish Stories where i tour the Amish country side taking pictures and observations which I've just posted................Enjoy your weekend everyone and i hope your out of Irene's path and safe. Richard from Amish Stories.

  2. thanks. can't wait to turn this up loud

  3. Very cool stuff. Thanks, and keep up the good work
